Continuing The Tradition
Picture by David Howard The Grand Chorus, over 100 men, assembles to practice on the risers
A holiday tradition resumes This time of year is a great time for holiday traditions in Southern Gateway Chorus. One tradition the chorus is busily engaged in as we prepare for our December 12th show, is the Grand Chorus. For the past seven years, we have invited men from all over our community to join us in a few holiday songs on stage. It is a great way to share holiday spirit. But behind the scenes there is even more fun involved in this tradition. Members of the chorus pledge donations to a local charity based on how many men join us on the risers. The competition increases as each of the four sections tries to outdo the others in donating. Meanwhile, the Grand Chorus participants who have been invited have been practicing with the chorus for several rehearsals. As you may imagine, this has resulted in substantial contributions to charity over the years, and that just helps to multiply the joy the chorus has in participating in the tradition. This year, as in many past years, the chorus will present a check to the Freestore/Foodbank at the show. Come join us, in the audience or onstage as we continue this great holiday tradition.